Outstanding time lapse videos in November 2020

We have hand picked the best time lapse videos for you. Be inspired by this list of outstanding time lapse videos in November 2020! Enjoy!
Thomas Poecksteiner

Thomas Poecksteiner

Co-Founder of FilmSpektakel and Time Lapse Magazine
Website: FilmSpektakel.com

Welcome to our list of outstanding time lapse videos in November 2020. Every month, we honour outstanding projects and show these masterpieces to as many time lapse enthusiasts as possible. We pick videos for their unique shots, outstanding quality or innovative editing. We’re aware that this selection is highly subjective, so if you come across a video that should be on next month’s list, please send us a link to videos@timelapsemagazine.com and tell us what makes your choice stand out.

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4K Timelapse

Chris Murphy is a photographer based in Lake Tekapo, New Zealand, within the Aoraki Mackenzie Dark Sky Reserve. He usually specialises in astrophotography. That’s why he named his company Last Quarter Photography. This name is a reference to the phase of the moon in which Chris does most of his photography. But in his latest video, Chris proves that he’s not only a master of time lapse photography at night. In “Aoraki”, he draws on tons of beautiful daylight shots to feature the time lapse paradise called New Zealand.

Chris has produced stunning videos of the Milky Way (as you can see here). And with “Aoraki”, he has created a beautiful time lapse video featuring the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve during daylight.

Abandoned Olympic Ruins in Sarajevo

“Little Big World” is a series by film production company Spoonfilm. The artists create stunning tilt-shift time lapses which make the world look like it’s made up of tiny miniature models. Their CEO, Joerg Daiber, just recently created this amazing piece about the abandoned site of the Olympic Winter Games of Sarajevo. In the video description, he gives you a short but thrilling insight into the history of the site:

During the Siege of Sarajevo (1992 – 1996), the longest siege of a capital city in modern warfare, fighters on both sides took to the mountains surrounding the city, using the Olympic structures as battlements and storage for their fighting and weapons. The bobsled track became an artillery stronghold for Bosnian-Serbs—some defensive holes, drilled by troops, can still be seen in the track’s concrete walls. The ski jumps—also sites of heavy fighting—remain unused. Only recently this area has been cleared off from land mines.

Not only did Joerg pick the perfect site for this project, but he also did a great job of creating a very entertaining time lapse video, giving you a unique glimpse of a place with lots of history. This video gives us the creeps, but it also makes us want to visit. Well done!



Another time lapse video we want to include on our list of outstanding time lapse videos in November 2020 is “ASTURIAS MAGICA” by Juan Carlos Cortina. Over the course of three years, he collected breathtaking time lapse shots of this beautiful region located in the north of Spain. See for yourself:

ASTURIAS MAGICA TIMELAPSE 4K from Juan Carlos Cortina on Vimeo.

You can tell that a lot of work went into this awesome piece. Work that paid off when you look at the spectacular shots featured in this video! We love it!


A lenticular or cap cloud is a stationary cloud that often is comparable in appearance to a lens or saucer. Roberto Porto (a veterinary surgeon based in Tenerife) managed to capture this strange-looking cloud shape hovering over the peak of Mount Teide. Fun fact about lenticular clouds: because of their unique appearance, they have been suggested as an explanation for some UFO sightings.

Roberto managed to capture some unique shots of cap clouds and also the comet Neowise. Furthermore, he experimented with some Milky Way shots in which he stabilised the stars to show the rotation of the Earth. Very cool.

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Time Lapse Magazine is a platform for the growing community of time lapse photographers and enthusiasts.


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